Tagged: Good

Supplement Regulating – Is It A Good Idea?

Supplement Regulating – Is It A Good Idea?

Supplement Regulating – Is It A Good Idea? Under the Adverse Event Reporting (AER) bill before Congress, dietary supplements could eventually be taken off the over-the-counter status. In this day of offhand and frivolous lawsuits, Congress is poised to pass legislation that would allow private citizens to sue the supplement manufacturers, and possibly the marketplaces as well, for health related issues allegedly caused or aggravated by dietary supplements. Industry reporting of “adverse events” in a very formal way would also be a part of this package, much more complicated and detailed than that of the present requirements. The industry and...

Nutritional Supplements: Are They Really Essential For Good Health

Nutritional Supplements: Are They Really Essential For Good Health

Nutritional Supplements: Are They Really Essential For Good Health Why should I take nutritional supplements? Can’t I just eat healthy, exercise, drink plenty of water, etc.? A fair question. After all, quality nutritional supplements are not cheap. Let’s look at the arguments for taking nutritional supplements in addition to a healthy lifestyle. Argument #1: Our foods no longer contain the nutrition they should Due to modern processing and farming methods, foods that should be high in certain nutrients no longer are. For example, the tomato is an excellent source of phytonutrients, specifically, lycopene. But when you buy a tomato from...